Venture Out's PODCAST | Traé Alfajores

Traé Alfajores’ is here to join you in your Argentinian Spanish learning journey! I created this podcast specifically for Spanish learners who are interested in the Rioplatense dialect. The podcast is entirely in Spanish and is intended to help you improve your language skills through natural input.

-READ THIS: How to learn Spanish with podcasts?

Each episode is about 10 minutes in length and in each I try to give you an overview on a representative topic of Argentinian culture. This means the episodes are not just language learning tools but also (or even more so) cultural insights that delve into the food, history, music and customs of Argentina.

You can find the podcast episodes below, as well as on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon Music. Please take a minute to subscribe and rate the show on your favorite platform if you like it. ¡Gracias!

Additionally, there are FREE transcripts available of each episode, which you can obtain by clicking on the link provided in each episode box below. The transcripts are an excellent resource for making the most out of each episode. Don’t miss out on them!

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Episodio 1

En este primer episodio hablamos del español rioplatense. ¿Es lo mismo decir español rioplatense que español de Argentina?

Read the BLOG post on Rioplatense Spanish HERE

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: Click the link to get the transcript for this episode:  EPISODE 1 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 2

En el segundo episodio hablamos del voseo. ¿Qué cambia cuando usamos vos?

Click the to get the transcript for this episode: Click the link to get the transcript for this episode:  EPISODE 2 TRANSCRIPT

Read the BLOG post on voseo HERE

Episodio 3

El tercer episodio de “Traé alfajores” lo dedicamos al mate.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode:  EPISODE 3 TRANSCRIPT

You can also read my article on MATE 

Episodio 4

En el cuarto episodio de “Traé alfajores”, yeísmo y leemos “A pleno de llanto”, de Oliverio Girondo.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode:  EPISODE 4 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 5

Quinto episodio del podcast: el asado, ese misterio culinario de Argentina.

Here is the article I wrote on asado: Let’s talk asado  Click the link to get the transcript for this episode:  EPISODE 5 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 6

Sexto episodio del podcast: el lunfardo. ¿Qué es, loco?

You might want to read these articles:

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode:  EPISODE 6 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 7

Séptimo episodio del podcast: ¿cuánto influyó el italiano en el español rioplatense?

You might want to read these articles: Click the link to get the transcript for this episode:  EPISODE 7 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 8

Octavo episodio del podcast: el delicioso mundo del helado.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 8 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 9

Noveno episodio del podcast: el fútbol, esa misteriosa fuerza.

You can read the article on the words and expressions related to fútbol by following this link:

  • Argentinian Football Expressions 

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 9 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 10

Décimo episodio del podcast: usos del CHE.

You can read the article on the words uses of CHE below:

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 10 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 11

Episodio 11 del podcast: los kioscos.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 11 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 12

Episodio 12 del podcast: los alfajores, orgullo nacional.

I learned a lot making this episode of the podcast, mainly thanks to a guy called Facundo Calabró, a national expert in the field. I eagerly recommend you his website to stay in the alfajor loop:

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 12 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 13

Episodio 13 del podcast: el dulce de leche. De Argentina al mundo.

Dulce de leche is one of our national prides. In this episode I share with you my take.

There’s a previous article on Dulce de Leche on the blog:

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 13 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 14

Episodio 14 del podcast: Facturas y anarquismo.

Facturas are another dear treat for Argentinians.

I dedicated them an article on the blog which features a helpful image:

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 14 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 15

Episodio 15 del podcast: El elusivo sonido de la “s” preconsonántica.

The sound of “S” is something that generally goes unnoticed for native speakers, but is so apparent for Spanish learners. In this episode we talk about this curious issue.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 15 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 16

Episodio 16 del podcast: Las elecciones presidenciales 2023

By the end of this 2023, a new president will be elected to govern Argentina. Do you want to know what’s in the menu? Then listen to this episode!

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 16 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 17

Episodio 17 del podcast: la magia del dólar blue y la cruz de la inflación.

As far as I know dollars have always been green, but in Argentina everything’s different. They’ve changed their color and cost much more. Inflation is punishing us. Anyone else?

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 17 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 18

Episodio 18 del podcast: seguimos en modo economics y esta vez hablamos del campo

One thing leads to another, and in today’s episode we ended up discussing the importance of the agricultural sector in the Argentinian economy. A bone to chew. Who dares?

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 18 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 19

Episodio 19 del podcast: seguimos en modo economics y esta vez hablamos del campo.

This episode is  my attempt to introduce you to the numbers that represent Argentina.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 19 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 20

Episodio 20 del podcast: ¿cuánto tiene de cierto eso de que Argentina es tango?

In this episode, I try to make you want to learn more about tango.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 20 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 21

Episodio 21 del podcast: Buenos Aires. Para algunos, la París de América.

In this episode, we take a virtual tour around Buenos Aires’ neighborhoods and sights.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 21 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 22

Episodio 22 del podcast: Malbec, Torrontés y compañía. Vino argentino, bebida nacional.

In this episode, I share with you all the story of wine in Argentina. A tale as enjoyable as a good glass of wine.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 22 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 23

Episodio 23 del podcast: Fauna argentina. Bichos apropiados.

In this episode, we talk about animals, specifically those that shout for Messi when Argentina plays a match.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 23 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 24

Episodio 24 del podcast: el conurbano bonaerense, terra incógnita.

In this episode, we explore Buenos Aires’ suburbs.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 24 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 25

Episodio 25 del podcast: Villa General Belgrano, Valle de Calamuchita, Córdoba, Argentina.

In this episode, I tell you about the town where I live.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 25 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 26

Episodio 26 del podcast: Fernet con coca, curioso vermú local.

In this episode, fernet with Coca Cola is the star.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 26 TRANSCRIPT

There’s a full tour of the Branca factory in this video by a friendly Argentinian bartender.

Episodio 27

Episodio 27 del podcast: tunga tunga, cuarteto viejo nomás.

In this episode, we’ll get ourselves to dance to the music of cuarteto.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 27 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 28

Episodio 28 del podcast: Unos árboles preciosos que dan color a Buenos Aires en esta época del año.

In this episode, you’ll learn about one of our most distinctive trees.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 28 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 29

Episodio 29 del podcast: ¿qué pasó en Argentina en diciembre de 2001?

In this episode, I tell you about the collapse of the Argentinian economy/Argentina in December, 2001.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 29 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 30

Episodio 30 del podcast: Uruguay, Uruguay

In this episode, I share with you an overview of Uruguay. There’s a blog article dealing with the differences between the Spanish spoken on the two shores of the Río de la Plata: AR Spanish vs UY Spanish Click the link  to get the transcript for this episode:  EPISODE 30 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 31

Episodio 31 del podcast: ¿Qué vientos soplan a través del viento?

In this episode, I share with you an episode dedicated to the winds of Argentina. Click the link  to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 31 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 32

Episodio 32 del podcast: Puteadas, malas palabras, palabras fuertes.

In this episode, you’ll be exposed to the beautiful landscape of Argentinian curse words.

Here’s the article I mention:

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 32 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 33

Episodio 33 del podcast: los vesres.

In this episode, you’ll learn all about vesres, words which are sometimes used with their syllables inverted.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 33 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 34

Episodio 34 del podcast: los carnavales en Argentina.

In this episode, I take you through the different ways and places where carnival is celebrated in Argentina.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 34 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 35

Episodio 35 del podcast: las empanadas, mejor por docena.

In this episode, I’ll tell you all you need to know about empanadas.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 35 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 36

Episodio 36 del podcast: la ruta 40, EL roadtrip de Argentina.

This episode is dedicated to route 40, a must-do for the brave.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 36 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 37

Episodio 37 del podcast: el obelisco

This episode deals with the obelisc and a bit of history of Buenos Aires.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 37 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 38

Episodio 38 del podcast: el golpe de estado del 24 de marzo de 1976.

On this episode you’ll learn about the military government that ruled Argentina between 1976 and 1983.

Click the link  to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 38 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 39

Episodio 39 de “Traé Alfajores”: la guerra de Malvinas.

Today’s episode deals with the Malvinas War.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 39 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 40

Episodio 40 de “Traé Alfajores”: Pizza, hasta que la muerte nos separe.

Today’s episode is all pizza related.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 40 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 41

In this episode I speak about gated communities (?) in Argentina.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 41 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 42

Episodio 42 de “Traé Alfajores”: tratamos de entender El Interior.

In this episode I talked about the term interior to refer to anything that’s not Buenos Aires. Quite wrong view of things.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 42 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 43

Episodio 43 de “Traé Alfajores”: había una vez un país vanidoso en el Sur de América.

By the end of the 19th Century Argentina was at the height of vanity, and our national leaders decided to take it on the indigenous peoples. Sad story that we’ve seen replicated throughout the continent.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 43 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 44

Episodio 44 de “Traé Alfajores”: milas de mi corazón.

I’d argue you can’t visit Buenos Aires and not try milanesas. They come in colors, fit for all likings.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 44 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 45

Episodio 45 de “Traé Alfajores”: la odisea de todos los días en las calles de Buenos Aires.

Your BA experience is not complete unless you gasp on a taxi ride.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 45 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 46

Episodio 46 de “Traé Alfajores”: Argentina a través del espejo.

Contrary to what many Argentinians say, it’s my opinion that discrimination is a serious issue in Argentina. What do you think?

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 46 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 47

Episodio 47 de “Traé Alfajores”: la nieve, un leit motiv de los inviernos.

Snow season is on! Hop on your sledge and hit PLAY.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 47 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 48

Episodio 48 de “Traé Alfajores”: la soda, un fetiche nacional.

The word soda in Argentina has a life of its own.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 48 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 49

Episodio 49 de “Traé Alfajores”: el camino del rock en Argentina.

This is part 1 of 2 of the history of rock music in the country.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 49 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 50

Episodio 50 de “Traé Alfajores”: ¿los discos que hay que conocer? Capaz.

This is part 2 of 2 of the history of rock music in the country.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 50 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 51

Episodio 51 de “Traé Alfajores”: Villas, todo lo que está ahí y no vemos.

This episode addresses the realities of over 5 million people who live in poverty in Argentina.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 51 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 52

Episodio 52 de “Traé Alfajores”: la cumbia villera, del barrio a todas partes.

Music is a fantastic cultural expression, that reflects aspects of our reality that otherwise would go unnoticed.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 52 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 53

Episodio 53 de “Traé Alfajores”: ¿la clase media está endangered?

The very concept of ‘middle class’ is a rabbit hole in itself. Let’s dive into it.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 53 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 54

Episodio 54 de “Traé Alfajores”: ¿Perón está a la altura del mito?

Peronismo is like the tao. If it can be told, it’s not.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 54 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 55

Episodio 55 de “Traé Alfajores”: ¿Alguien alguna vez vio un gaucho?

The Argentinian cowboy…it’s complicated

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 55 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 56

Episodio 56 de “Traé Alfajores”: cuando un juego de cartas es más que un juego de cartas.

Cards game are still a thing, you know? Don’t believe me? Ask TRUCO enthusiasts.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 56 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 57

Episodio 57 de “Traé Alfajores”: el día que español llegó a América

Episode 57 is about the arrival of conquistadors to America and indigenous peoples in Argentina

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 57 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 58

Episodio 58 de “Traé Alfajores”: latifundio, acumulación de tierras… lo que ya sabíamos.

Episode 58 is connected to episode 57, where we discussed territorial conflicts between indigenous communities and modern day owners.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 58 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 59

Episodio 59 de “Traé Alfajores”: las imágenes del himno argentino.

Episode 59 is a deep dive into the national anthem. Its melody, its lyrics and the emaning of a national anthem.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 59 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 60

Episodio 60 de “Traé Alfajores”: el brisho del español rioplatense en forma de adjetivos.

Episode 60 is an opportunity to become more familiar with description words generally used in RPS.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 60 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 61

Episodio 61 de “Traé Alfajores”: verbos que te dejan gusto a mate en la boca.

Episode 61 is basically, episode 60, only this time  we’re focusing on verbs.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 61 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 62

Episodio 62 de “Traé Alfajores”: productos encriptados detrás de marcas.

Episode 62 is a tour through the brands that became the product.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 62 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 63

Episodio 63 de “Traé Alfajores”: das Kino argentino.

On episode 63 we open the gates to Argentinian movies.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 63 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 64

Episodio 64 de “Traé Alfajores”: jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

On episode 64 we set up for Christmas and New Year.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 64 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 65

Episodio 65 de “Traé Alfajores”: ¿playa o montaña?

On episode 65 you’ll learn what Argentinians like to do in their summer break.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 65 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 66

Episodio 66 de “Traé Alfajores”: libros, lectura y literatura

Si querés leer mi libro, encontralo en Amazon:

On episode 66 I share with you the most prominent authors in Argentinian literature.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 66 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 67

Episodio 67 de “Traé Alfajores”: a picar se ha dicho.

Episode 67 is an introduction to Argentinian picada. Ready Freddy?

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 67 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 68

Episodio 68 de “Traé Alfajores”: peixe, poisson, pesce.

Episode 68 dealt with the lack of fish on the prototypical Argentinian table.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 68 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 69

Episodio 69 de “Traé Alfajores”: cannabis is in the air.

Episode 69 was an overview of how cannabis is viewed both socially and under the law in Argentina.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 69 TRANSCRIPT

Episodio 70

Episodio 70 de “Traé Alfajores”: religión, del latin religare, reconectar. El dial up del catolicismo.

Episode 70  was an inquiry into how are Argentinians dealing with religion nowadays.

Click the link to get the transcript for this episode: EPISODE 70 TRANSCRIPT

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