The absolute essentials

In case you are starting your online teaching life, you might not know all of these tools available:

  • WordPress. I built this website with wordpress. Hard work, but great fun, too.
  • Calendly. Calendly is the software I use to schedule my lessons. You can sync it with your Google Calendar to make sure your events don’t overlap.
  • Mailchimp. I use Mailchimp for my newsletters.
  • Canva. Canva is a great free designing tool.
  • Zoom. Zoom is my favourite tool for online lessons. It has some really cool picture you can use to your advantage.
  • Skype. It’s always a good idea to have a backup plan. 

I offer consulting sessions to help you get started with the features available in these different apps, saving you time and making the learning curve less steep.

Teaching resources

Over time, I’ve bookmarked dozens of websites which offer resources for Spanish teachers and tutors. I’ll save you time by sharing with you links to some of them:

Conversation classes

I’ve put up a list of questions on such diverse topics that you can start using right away. It’s only 5 USD


Rioplatense Spanish

I know finding the right resources when you want to stay as especific as possible within Rioplatense Spanish is not as easy as one would want. In this section you can find some worksheets and reference material I’ve created.