What does CARETA mean?
Read this article to learn about a very common word in Rioplatense jargon.
Read this article to learn about a very common word in Rioplatense jargon.
If I had to stay with only one part of speech, it would definitely be verbs I'd keep. Do you know why?
Read this post to discover 3 different uses of this typical RPS expression.
Today's post deals with a concept that permeates street wisdom in Argentina. Come in!
This is the article you've been asking for. Bad words, the deep web of RPS.
Did you know you can use the word MEDIO as an intensifying word? Read this post to learn how to use it!
This post deals with two other ways of saying you don't (or didn't) like something.
La verdad de la milanesa, or the truth about the schnitzel...
In today's article we speak about learning curves, which I make the point should be called learning doodles.
It's always a good idea to acknowledge mistakes. Here are some phrases that can help you.
On this post, we explore two alternative ways of saying you're angry.
Hey! I recently shared with you some great Argentinian movies. In this post I'm gonna share with you some of the best Argentina TV shows available online. The only drag…