My curated list of Argentinian movies (2023)
Holiday time is movie time! I summarized the plot of some of the most recent and most popular Argentinian movies for you to pick your favorite.
Holiday time is movie time! I summarized the plot of some of the most recent and most popular Argentinian movies for you to pick your favorite.
The facturas' ecosystem is diverse and captivating. Be prepared for when you step into a bakery!
In this post we explore the many different uses of MANIJA. Don't miss out!
This post will help you understand casual money talk! Estoy sin un mango, amigo.
Would you believe there's a subtle difference that has a big impact in the way your Spanish sounds to locals?
Discussing grammar can be exciting, would you believe it? Come in and see for yourself!
Interjections are such small words that sometimes they go unnoticed, but used naturally they'll give you a native touch! Read this post to nail them!
The implications of GENTE being singular and not plural like in English frequently causes some trouble.
When we are not sure whether the other person is serious or not, we use these nice sounding phrases. Do you know how?
Languages may differ in their sounds and grammar, but they all serve one essential purpose: communication. In this article, we'll look into the features shared by most languages.
This short post is an invitation for you to change the language of your computer or phone. Have you tried it?
Read this post to learn 16 expressions beginning with the word "qué" you'll likely hear in Argentina.