On patience and progress

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I’ve always felt that the most meaningful part of learning a language is that you are developing a new you. In quite a magical way, once you are fluent in the target language your new self is able to interact with people, information and situations which you’d never been able to weren’t it for your newly developed abilities.

However, I’ve seen students who have a hard time enjoying the in-between. Too many times to consider it ‘chance’. The feeling I get from seeing them is they are on a quest for mastership of the ins and outs of the language and they cannot appreciate their progress until they’ve got there. They are overwhelmed by how much they ignore and can’t savor the small steps they are taking towards fluency.

Motivation is essential, we’ve heard it so many times it comes as a platitude, but what about patience? Do we understand that these big powers we are after take time before they flourish? There are hardly any shortcuts. There is no magic pill. I don’t know of any magic method to learn a language other than patient dedication.

That is to me, magic nowadays, in these times of immediate rewards: to be consistent enough for long enough.

Uncomfortable is good as long as you understand it’s only temporary.

Are you thinking about studying or already studying Spanish? I can join you on your journey!

In any case, happy Spanish learning and thanks for reading.

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