El que te jedi
Learn a fun way of saying you-know-who in Rioplatense Spanish.
Learn a fun way of saying you-know-who in Rioplatense Spanish.
Have you heard Argentinians using this word before? If not, you should get ready.
In this post you'll learn why in Argentina we use gasolero to mean thrifty.
Learn what ATR means and when/how it's used in Argentina.
Let's dive in into a few everyday expressions with DE, shall we?
Let's clear out the confusion around this apparently simple phrase.
Read this post to learn why being regalado is not always a good thing.
Do you know when and how to use tal cual? If not, this short post will give you a hand.
In this short post you'll learn the Rioplatense Spanish use of these two words.
Did you know the RPS equivalent for I crushed it? I bet you do now.
Fiaca is a Rioplatense Spanish word that you can't afford not to know. Come this way, please.