How to read the blog’s articles in Spanish
In this post I will show you how you can read the articles written in English in Spanish using an extension called Imtranslator.
In this post I will show you how you can read the articles written in English in Spanish using an extension called Imtranslator.
Today, I want to introduce the concept of paradox of choice, and show you how it's detrimental to your progress.
In this post, I included podcasts you can try to leverage your learning with natural input.
Learn a fun way of saying you-know-who in Rioplatense Spanish.
Have you heard Argentinians using this word before? If not, you should get ready.
This article breaks down how ear, memory and intuition make for a killer combo in language learning.
Have you been crafting your own list of phrasal verbs in Spanish? This is the ultimate resource to extend it and take your understanding even further.
Hungry for some new RPS idiom? Here you are, my friend.
Up for a reading challenge? Pick an author from this list and start exploring the best of Argentine literature.
You know that experience of learning a new word and finding it multiple times afterwards? That's Baader-Meinhoff in action.
In this post you'll learn why in Argentina we use gasolero to mean thrifty.
Take this questionnaire to know yourself better as a learner and leverage your learning.
It's time for a full disclaimer. What does learning a language look like in 2025?