Different uses of COPADO
Do you know the meaning of copado? Read this article to learn the ways copado can help you in your conversations!
Do you know the meaning of copado? Read this article to learn the ways copado can help you in your conversations!
Have you heard of cold practice before? If not, then you're missing out on a powerful tool that can take your language learning to the next level.
Do you know what it means when we say that somethings goes como piña? Then, you should read this post!
Read this post to learn to use what on the technical side of things we would call adverbial phrases.
Water is everything, mother of all languages. Read this post where I share this idea connecting water and foreign languages that came to mind!
This idiom reminds us it's better to stand the summer weather. The oven is not a good place to be.
Dulce de leche is one of the Argentinian treasures, one many crave for when they live or travel abroad. Have you any idea of how it tastes?
Learn to show that you missed something simply and politely with this post.
Learn how we Argentinians describe personality traits with our own set of unique words.
Kind of a short history lesson here, really. Read this post to learn what's in a name and what's been going on down here in the last 500 years!
Learn to react with elegance when you can't see clearly! The sun shines on everyone, don't foget.
Next time it's really hot, you can reach out for this phrase!