This week I took some time to stalk some other podcasts from Argentina to see what other shows, especifically aimed at learners of Spanish who want to get immersed in both the language and the Argentinian culture are thriving out there. If you are a listener of “Traé alfajores” and don’t know where else to look for natural input, this list might be that secret weapon:
Spanish with Gaia. Videopodcast on YouTube where the host touches on grammar topics and alternates with books and cinema reccomendations.
Pocket Spanish. One of the few shows I’ve known about for quite a long time. Lots of topics, episodes range from 20-30 minutes in length. Transcripts are made collaboratively by listeners.
Español desde el Sur. Cool podcast here. There are transcripts available for each episode.
Easy Argentine Spanish. Another show to learn about local traditions, expressions and celebrations.
The Argentine Way. Not many episodes, and nothing recent, but the host is from Argentina.
Aprendé Argento. Each episode of this show deals with idiomatic expressions.
Spanish with Sol. Only 4 episodes so far, but who knows… maybe more are on the way.
Also, there are many shows that are not aimed at language learnes, but native speakers. The diversity in this category is huge, so I’ll only mention some I enjoyed:
Los últimos días de Maradona. A journalistic podcast that recreates the last year of Maradona before his death in 2020.
El Robo del Siglo. The real story of a bank robbery that went well until it didn’t. There’s a movie based on it.
Aprende Fácil de Vinos. A course to learn everything about wines.
Anécdotas. Video podcast which tells real life stories. Tragic, funny, bizarre, a bit of everything.
La Cruda. Not my favorite host, but interesting guests.
El día en 5. A quick daily show to catch up with the current events.
Charlas filosóficas. Conversations between the host and special guests on existential aspects of life.
There are many, many others but they are no longer putting out new episodes.
Hope you find some cool resources listed here to supercharge your input.
Thanks for your visit,
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