Mortal, Letal, Tremendo, Zarpado = Cool

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When we like something, we are offered several different expressions with the verbs SER and ESTAR. Saying es genial or está genial is not bad at all, but you can always try to be more expressive.

That’s where the words I’m sharing with you today can help.

Mortal, letal, tremendo and zarpado are commonly used by Argentinians to replace genial.

-¿Qué tal el show de Roger Waters?
-Tremendo, el tipo se tocó todo.

Another possibility is to use mortal in strong agreement and letal with the meaning of very difficult.

-Te paso a buscar tipo 10, ¿dale?
-Dale, mortal. Gracias.

-Qué calor, ¿no?
-Letal, amigo, no se puede salir.

So next time you’re tempted to say genial, take that extra second to switch genial for one of these cooler alternatives.

Have fun!

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