Money talk in Argentina

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Hey! I thought you might be interested in learning the different terms we employ to refer to money in casual conversation.

You can probably get by without learning these words, but they’ll pop up in any casual conversation and after reading this post, you’ll be ready.

guitamoney in general
mangoone peso, but also used to refer to a small amount of money
no tengo un mango
un diego ten pesos
una gamba
dos gambas
one hundred pesos
two hundred pesos
una luca
dos lucas
one thousand pesos
two thousand pesos
un palo
diez palos
one million pesos
ten million pesos

As Argentinians have a strong fetiche with dollars, when we talk about money while reffereing to dollars, we use the adjective verdes

  • Un palo verde
  • Diez lucas verdes

Well, I’ve paved your way to money talk in Argentina.

Good luck!

Happy Spanish learning!

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