We all make mistakes, and the first step towards making it up is acknowledging we screwed it up. In RPS Spanish there are two common ways of saying it:
- Me equivoque.
- Pifié.
- Me mandé un moco.
- Metí la pata.
- Me mandé un cagada.
Also, we can use the last two to prevent someone from making a mistake
- No te mandes ninguna cagada, eh.
- No metas la pata, eh.
There are people who seem fated for mistakes. Of them we say:
- [Fulano] siempre mete la pata.
- [Fulano] siempre se manda alguna cagada.
or, “es un catrasca” which shortens “cagada tras cagada”
Embrace mistakes and take the opportunity to practice using these new expressions!
Until soon,
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