The body and bodily functions

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Warning! The title of this post is the finest this will get.

One of the posts that drags more traffic to Venture Out is dedicated to Curse Words in Argentina, so I thought why not give the people what people want?

I’ve included slang words for parts of the body. Some are not considered curse words but are used in Argentina, while others do have a bad reputation. I’ll draw a line in the sand for you to know when we trespass it, but you’ll easily be able to tell for yourself.

Here we go, are you ready?




Of course, there are many other words, but they can be found in any standard vocabulary list.

– – – (line in the sand)

pelotas | huevos

pija | poronga | verga | choto | chota

concha | cheicon | almeja

culo | ojete | orto

coger | garchar | ponerla

culear (sometimes used as to fuck, though)

hacerse la paja | pajearse


cagar – to take a shit

mear – to piss

pedo – fart

sorete – turd (it’s also an insult. One common phrase is sorete mal cagado → badly shitted turd (?)

eructo – burp

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