Estar re caliente

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

In Argentina, you can be hot in several different ways, but the most common use is unrelated to hot weather and much more connected to anger.

If you’re hot, you say:

  • Tengo calor.

Never say ‘estoy caliente’, which is one of those phrases that will get you a 😯.

You’d say estoy caliente for one of two possible reasons -you are either angry or sexually aroused.

It’s common to hear people say they’re angry by saying:

  • Estoy re caliente.

And then proceed to tell the story.

Estoy re caliente, boludo. En el laburo siempre es lo mismo. Todo el mundo se rasca los huevos, nadie quiere laburar.

In general there’s someone to blame for that rage, so we use the preposition con:

Estoy re caliente con mi vecino de arriba. El chabón se la pasa escuchando música a cualquier hora y no puedo dormir.

Don’t forget RE is a typical emphasizer in RPS.

Hope you learned something you didn’t five minutes ago.

Until next time!

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