In a previous post we learnt verbs which are used in Argentina almost exclusively and can sometimes be confusing even to other Spanish speakers.
Today, we are going to be looking at nouns. The discrepancies in the words in this list are quite shocking, as you’ll see.
The first Spanish definition for the word is Peninsular Spanish while the second is the word used in the Argentinian dialect. Bear in mind that it’s common to find that other Latin American countries also have their own words for some of the words in the list.
- BUS | autobús – colectivo
- GAS | combustible – nafta
- MONEY | dinero – plata
- COMPUTER | ordenador – computadora
- CELL PHONE | móvil – celular
- SIDEWALK | acera – vereda
- STRAWBERRY | fresa – frutilla
- MUSHROOM | seta – hongos
- POTATO | patata – papa
- CREAM | nata – crema
- HOT DOG | perro caliente – pancho
- FRIDGE | refrigerador – heladera
- CAR | coche – auto
- AVOCADO | aguacate – palta
- FLIP FLOPS | chanclas – ojotas
- JUICE | zumo – jugo
- TRUNK | maletero – baúl
- BANANA | plátano – banana
- PEANUT | cacahuete – maní
- APARTMENT | apartamento/piso – departamento
- CAKE | pastel – torta
- RENT | renta – alquiler
- BUTTER | mantequilla – manteca
- POPCORN | palomitas – pochoclo
- PEACH | melocotón – durazno
- SKIRT | falda – pollera
- PEN | bolígrafo – birome
- MATCHES | cerillas – fósforos
- JOKE | broma – chiste
- PANTIES | bragas – bombacha
- TAP | grifo – canilla
- POOL | piscina – pileta
As you have seen, in terms of nouns there are many that are different in Argentina. Have you read the differences in adjectives?
If you happen to be interested in studying Spanish with me, I’ll be happy to hear from you.
Happy Spanish learning,
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