Argentinian Spanish Phrases | Starter’s kit

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Hi there! ¿Cómo va?

In this post we’ll be addressing the magical world of Argentinian Spanish once again.

When I introduced you to LUNFARDO, I mentioned that many of the words that we are regarded as ‘made in Argentina’ are not necessarily lunfardo words. What imprints Argentine lexicon is not only lunfardo, but also idiomatic expressions, turns of phrase or typical ways of speaking typical of the Argentine people.

What starts as lunfardo can later become argentinismo. The basic distinction to keep in mind is that of language and speech.

LANGUAGE – the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture.

SPEECH – the expression of thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds

While language is one and the same for all Spanish speaking countries, the way we use it locally transforms it and gives it its own identity.

In case you missed it, there was an extensive post of Argentinian Slang Phrases and another one with Argentinian Slang Words.

I feel it’s a good idea to have the standard phrase as a reference and the local phrase.

Standard phrase/expressionAR Spanish phrase/expression
¿Me estás cargando?¿Me estás jodiendo?
¿Cómo estás?¿Qué hacés, che?
Buen fin de semanaBuen finde
Estoy con muchos problemasEstoy con mil quilombos
Estoy trabajando muchoEstoy laburando una barbaridad
OkDale | De una | Bárbaro | Joya
Estás exagerandoEstás flasheando
¡Increíble!¡Qué flash!
De verdadPosta
¿De verdad?¿Posta?
¡Qué aburrido!¡Qué bodrio! | ¡Qué embole!
¡Qué desorden!¡Qué quilombo!
ExactamenteTal cual
¿Tomamos una cerveza?¿Tomamos una birra?
No hay maneraNi en pedo
No me molestesNo me rompas las pelotas
¡Qué interesante!¡Mirá vos!

If you listen to casual conversation you’ll soon cross out many of them. In fact, I’ve created a printout you can carry in your pocket and cross out the ones ou hear! Click on the image to dowload it:

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