Argentinian Provinces and Demonyms

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Today I was talking about Argentinian provinces in a lesson, and thought many of you would benefit from having this reference at hand.

Even if you are not crazy about geography, taking a look at the map of a country gives you an idea of what it might be like.

Here’s Argentina’s map:

Northern Region

  • Jujuy | jujeño/a
  • Salta | salteño/a
  • Tucumán | tucumano/a
  • Catamarca | catamarqueño/a
  • La Rioja | riojano/a

Central Region

  • Córdoba | cordobés / cordobesa
  • Buenos Aires | bonaerense
  • Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires | porteño/a
  • Santa Fé | santafesino/a
  • La Pampa | pampeano/a

Litoral Region

  • Misiones | misionero/a
  • Corrientes | correntino/a
  • Entre Ríos | entrerriano/a

Cuyo Region

  • Mendoza | mendocino/a
  • San Juan | sanjuanino/a
  • La Rioja | riojano/a
  • San Luis | puntano/a

Southern Region

  • Chubut | chubutense
  • Neuquén | neuquino/a
  • Río Negro | rionegrino/a
  • Santa Cruz | santacruceño/a
  • Tierra del Fuego | fueguino/a

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